BDA Equestrian

Competition Stud, Stud Livery, Training and Competition Yard. Home of International Bermudian Showjumper Kyle Hassell and Advanced International Event Rider Kelly Aldous

Competition Stud, Stud Livery, Training and Competition Yard. Home of International Bermudian Showjumper Kyle Hassell and Advanced International Event Rider Kelly Aldous


Happy horses go home, new ones arrive @ BDA this week

This week sees the arrival of some new equine faces at BDA, new yoga exercises, new heat lamps and signage!   more  

It's all systems go at BDA Equestrian, Yoga included

Welcome 2019, It's all happening at BDA Equestrian, hacking out, flatwork and Yoga exercises, our aim to produce excellent Sports Horses.   more  

Victory for Twinkle Toes HK in the Foxhunter today at Arena UKs Festival

Adam Botham steered Twinkle Toes HK to victory in the Foxhunter today, with seventy five starters   more  


Zacincelle BDA & main man Kyle Hassell jumped their way to the fifth & final round in their first affiliated puissance CLEARING a whopping 2m05 !!!!!!  more